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How to Determine When to Stop Watering Your Lawn in the Fall

October 31, 2022

How to Determine When to Stop Watering Your Lawn in the Fall

During the summer months, the intensity of the heat and the sun's rays may wreak havoc on outdoor plants; nevertheless, with consistent watering methods, it is simple to keep a lush green lawn throughout the growing season. Once autumn arrives, though, it is important to adjust the way you care for your grass in order to get it ready for the approaching cooler weather; here's how.

Stopping Watering Your Lawn

If you reside in a region with four distinct seasons, autumn is a period when temperatures begin to drop, days become shorter, and the grass begins to grow more slowly. With reduced heat and sunlight to speed up evaporation, your lawn needs less water, but you shouldn't stop watering suddenly.

As conditions vary across the country, observe the following basic guidelines for when to stop watering plants in autumn weather:

  • Continue to provide supplementary moisture as necessary until the soil has frozen.
  • If your region receives at least one inch of precipitation every week, there is no need to water.
  • If your lawn is overwatered, fungal infections may flourish.
  • During periods of warm and dry weather, continue to water a few times per week.
  • Maintain regular watering techniques in the event of a new or reseeded lawn in order to develop roots and stimulate growth.

Regardless of the type of irrigation system you use, making a few simple tweaks to your fall watering plan will save you money while preparing your grass for the next winter.

Tips for Fall Lawn Care

The steps you take in the fall will help maintain your lawn's beauty during the colder months and help it return stronger and healthier in the spring.


With the onset of milder temperatures, your grass begins to prepare for winter dormancy by slowing its rate of growth. While it is essential to continue mowing your lawn at this period, there are a few adjustments that must be made:

  • Reduce the mower's height until it reaches a length of between 1.5 and 2 inches.
  • Continue mowing if the grass continues to grow.


The application of fertilizer in the fall will assist cool-season grass since the nutrients supplied will promote rapid growth in the spring. Utilize a slow-release granular fertilizer and thoroughly water the area unless precipitation is approaching.


Once leaves and snow begin to fall, it might be tough to eliminate plants that will emerge in the spring. Start combating troublesome spring weeds in the autumn, when cooler weather and slower growth give the ideal conditions for them to take over your grass.


Spreading seeds around your lawn in the fall will eliminate barren spots, inhibit weed growth, and promote new growth each spring. Follow the instructions on the package and apply the necessary amount prior to the first snowfall.


When your lawn's soil gets densely compacted, air, water, and nutrients cannot enter it. Call us to plan fall aeration of your lawn to ensure healthy growth throughout the year.


Whether you prefer to rake the leaves yourself, hire specialists for fall clean-up, or utilize a mulching mower, leaf removal is an essential component of fall lawn care. As soon as they fall from the tree, leaves begin to degrade, which can cause dead spots in your grass, provide shelter for destructive insects, and encourage the growth of weeds.

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