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Landscaping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

September 27, 2022

Landscaping Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Although there's nothing that cannot be corrected with a bit of effort, the key to your peace of mind is knowing how to avoid making landscaping mistakes prior to occurring. Our experts can assist you in making use of every minute of your budget for landscaping by giving tips on how to do it right on the first try.

Common Landscape Design Mistakes

Failure to Plan

The pages of gardening magazines you browse through or browsing through your local garden center might spark your imagination and inspire you; however, returning home with a truckload of plants without deciding on which ones to place in your garden could result in a disappointing final outcome. Alongside studying the specific needs and potential growth of the species you are considering, it is important to look for harmony, balance, and sustainability when evaluating the design. The experts in landscape design can help to achieve the appearance you're looking for while adding value and beauty to your property.

Neglecting the Front Yard

Many homeowners make the error of focusing solely on their backyard, where they spend most of their time, which can be detrimental to the appearance of the front yard. Alongside considerations for your views of the yard from your living space, you should also consider the curb appeal of your property by introducing some dimensions and color, as well as making sure you have a clear path that leads to the front entrance.

Bad Pruning Habits

Pruning is an important part of maintaining your landscape. Pruning, if done properly, will encourage and manage how your plant grows. If it is done incorrectly, pruning could cause harm to your plants and make your landscaping look unprofessional and unhealthy.

Cutting Your Grass Too Low

If you are trying to replicate the look of your favorite golf course or prolong the amount of time between mows cutting your lawn, cutting it too low could have devastating effects on its appearance and health. If too many stalks are removed, the grass will not be able to tolerate photosynthesis, and root growth could be slowed. To get the best outcomes, try to choose an amount that is in line with the diversity and type of turf. You can also engage in expert lawn maintenance.

Excessive Ornamentation

The decorative items have a distinctive role in the majority of landscape designs; however, one of the biggest landscaping design mistakes you could make is not allowing them to dominate your lawn. Concentrate your efforts on creating an organic and diverse style by incorporating a variety of grasses and shrubs, as well as flowers and trees, only using a few well-placed, high-quality decors to draw the eye.

Not Using the Correct Irrigation

The right amount of moisture is essential to maintain an aesthetically pleasing lawn and garden. Both drowning and overwatering can cause negative impacts. An irrigation system installed by a professional removes the guesswork from the watering of your plants. They can be custom-designed to meet the particular needs of the different plants that are on your property.

Neglecting to Think About Color

Select your color scheme before planting to ensure that the colors are working well with one another and on the outside of your house. Insufficient shades or too many of one color could be overwhelming, and too few colors could seem boring. Be aware of seasonal variations in color by studying flowering plants and changes in the foliage prior to planting.

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